What does Reading look like for my child?
"We're teaching every child to read with Little Wandle Letters & Sounds"
In Nursery all children will…
- Take part in daily phonics sessions in a whole class or small group setting
- Take part in shared whole class reading sessions
- Have access to a book corner in their classroom, as well as access to a well-stocked school library
- Take part in whole school reading events, such as World Book Day
In Reception all children will:
- Have daily phonics lessons that are tailored to their ability/individual needs
- Read storybooks and non-fiction books closely matched to their developing phonic knowledge, that they will read at home and at school
- Regular reading with an adult
- Have access to a book corner in their classroom, as well as access to a well-stocked school library
- Learn to decode words using phonics as their main approach, alongside building a sight vocabulary of non-decodable words
- Learn to spell using known sounds
- Write confidently by practising what they want to write out loud first
- Take part in whole school reading events, such as World Book Day
In Year 1 and Year 2 all children….
- Have daily phonics lessons that are tailored to their ability/individual needs
- Read storybooks and non-fiction books closely matched to their developing phonic knowledge, that they will read at home and at school
- Regular reading with an adult
- Begin to read with fluency and expression
- Learn to spell using a wider range of known sounds
- Write confidently by practising what they want to write out loud first, applying their phonics knowledge
- Have access to a book corner in their classroom, as well as access to a well-stocked school library that they can visit at lunchtimes
- Take part in whole school reading events, such as story assemblies and World Book Day
In Year 3 to Year 6 all children....
- Daily reading lessons
- Regular reading with an adult
- Children who require additional phonics tuition will receive sessions as a booster intervention
- Have access to a book corner in their classroom, as well as access to a well-stocked school library that they can visit during lunchtimes
- Become accurate and speedy readers, with an increased focus on understanding what they have read
- Begin to focus on writing detailed responses to texts that require the skills of fact retrieval, inference and deduction
- Take part in whole school reading events, such as story assemblies and World Book Day