Online Safety & Safeguarding
At Ashmole Primary School, we take online safety very seriously and encourage all pupils to use ICT and the internet in a safe and responsible manner.
In school, all filters and restrictions are set to the necessary level and pupils are closely monitored at all times while accessing ICT. Online safety is covered as appropriate as part of our curriculum.
There are also several good websites that provide additional information to support you in this. These include:
- Childline: Staying Safe Online
- Childnet: Parent & Carers Toolkit
- National Crime Agency:
- Net Aware: (this allows you to input the name of a social media site, app or game to learn more about its suitability for your child)
- NSPCC: Online Safety
- Think You Know from the National Crime Agency:
Here are a further couple of links, that we hope you will find useful at home:
This site discusses privacy settings and how to set on social media sites:
This site is all about understanding the risks involve in online gaming and how to keep the children safe:
Please speak to a member of staff if you have any concerns regarding online safety.
NSPCC Fact Sheets
The following NPSCC fact sheets available to download below, give some information and guidance on how you can help keep your child safe online.
Childnet Fact Sheets
The following Childnet resources available to download below, also provide further guidance on keeping your child safe online: