
Raising Achievement at Ashmole

At Ashmole, we pride ourselves, and take very seriously our responsibility as a school, to not only raise achievement, but at the same time tackle educational inequality within our community. 

As a school, we recognise that this can take place in many ways from how representative our school leaders and staff body are, to what work is happening in schools to tackle racism as well as other educational inequalities.

Ashmole is a proud member of the LSP (Lambeth Schools Partnership).

CLICK HERE to find out more about the LSP.

As part of our work and partnership with the LSP, Ashmole have proudly committed to the following two 'Raising Achievement' projects: 


Raising The Game is focussed on tackling the 7-10% academic attainment gap and disproportionately high exclusion rates that Black Caribbean pupils in Lambeth face.


Somos Lambeth is focussed 

on raising the achievement and profile

of Portuguese-speaking and this year for the first time, Spanish-speaking,

pupils in Lambeth.

% of Black Caribbean Pupils

at Ashmole: 


19 pupils = 8% of Ashmole  

% of Portuguese speaking pupils

at Ashmole:

7 pupils = 3% of Ashmole


% of Spanish speaking pupils

at Ashmole:

11 pupils = 5% of Ashmole

Ashmole's Racial Justice Champion is:

Shelly Griffiths

Ashmole's Somos Champion is

Cordelia Cooper

We have plenty of activities coming up over the coming year, including, but not limited to:

  • Staff Training/CPD 
  • Parental Involvement/Engagement Activities 
  • Pupil Involvement/Engagement Activities 


Watch this space...we look forward to sharing all of the work that Ashmole will be doing in relation to both of these projects, over the coming year. 


CLICK HERE to find out more about Raising the Game CLICK HERE to find out more about Somos Lambeth

Part of the Wyvern Federation