
Nethercott Farm Trip

 Visiting Nethercott House – Farms For ...        Outdoor performance at Nethercott House for Farms for City Children |

Year 5 and 6 School Journey to – Nethercott Farm in Devon

Monday 19th May to Friday 23rd May 2025


We are very happy to be able to offer our Year 5 and 6 pupils the opportunity to attend a 5-night residential visit to Nethercott House in Devon. Nethercott is part of the Farms for City Children charity run by the author Michael Morpurgo. 


The stay on the farm will involve children learning about and engaging in the day to day activities of a working farm including care of the farm animals and working in the farm’s kitchen garden where the children help grow the vegetables they eat with their meals.  The accommodation is a huge Victorian manor house with beautiful grounds and views of the Devon countryside.  Fully trained and qualified Nethercott staff work with the support of Ashmole staff to provide a safe, controlled and secure environment for children.


The total cost of the visit is £300 per pupil. This includes full board and accommodation for 5 nights, all instruction and activities as well as insurance and transport to and from Devon. 


There is an additional price reduction available for children who are eligible for Pupil Premium Grant Funding, making the cost for these children £150.  Please speak to the school office staff if you think you may be eligible for certain benefit payments which might make your child eligible for the PPG funding.


We will be holding a meeting on 30th September in the Year 6 Classroom at 5pm. Please come along to find out more details about the visit and to ask any questions.



Part of the Wyvern Federation